Bad Habits That Keep Us From God’s Truth

The Bible is the Word of God. It is a gift to humanity from the Almighty; the very words and thoughts of our Creator allows us to know Him and to grow as individuals and believers. But all too often, the Bible becomes something in our lives that it was never intended to be. As students at an Online Christian College, and as the future leaders of the church, it is important to recognize bad habits and misconceptions when they arise and to know how to help the individuals involved overcome them.

Failure to Engage

Sometimes, it’s hard to be honest about the Bible. Many people don’t want to admit that it is a challenging and dense text, and others don’t engage with it at all because it is complex. It’s okay to read passages and not understand them instantaneously. After all, these are ancient texts that come to us from cultures that were different from our own. The trouble comes when we don’t take it upon ourselves to dig deeper into the difficult parts but instead, cherry-pick from the passages that do make sense and apply those to our lives. When we pick and choose from different passages, we lose out on crucial context, meaning that the totality of God’s truth isn’t being obtained.

Going Solo

A very modern method of reading the Bible has emerged in the last couple of centuries. As Americans, we like the idea of being an individual, of being able to develop our own interpretations of Scripture without having to rely on others or historical commentary. And while it is certainly a great idea to spend alone time with the Word of God, we miss out on a crucial opportunity if we choose to dive in solo at all times. As Christians, we are called to be a part of a community, and engaging with the Bible in our community is another opportunity for growth and connection. Meeting and discussing scripture with fellow believers allows you to put your individual scholarship to work, bringing new ideas and insights to the table for everyone to ponder and enjoy.

Stay posted until next time when we finish this two-part series by taking a brief look at one of the biggest stumbling blocks people face in their reading of the Bible. In the meantime, Colorado Theological Seminary is here to guide you on your path towards a bright and godly future. Contact us today to learn more!