Joy Comes in the Morning

At Colorado Theological Seminary, we understand that the life of college students, even those attending an online seminary school, is filled with challenges. Sometimes the days can seem to drag, each new stress and task weighing on you more and more each day. After a while, it can begin to feel like the world is nothing but anxiety and darkness. In these moments, we come perilously close to losing sight of the promises that have been given to us by our Creator, promises that no matter how difficult or trying our circumstances may be, joy will come in the morning.

Peace That Transcends Understanding

While it is important to keep in mind that most of us here in the United States are very blessed in our financial circumstances, being reminded that other people are worse off doesn’t really do much to help a person feel better. Your circumstances are yours, and your feelings are very real. It isn’t fair to compare your life to the lives of others, and it doesn’t give you the comfort you need. But there is a way to find peace, even in the midst of trials. The apostle Paul wrote several passages concerning this topic, and he knew better than anyone how to find contentment through struggles. No other verse embodies peace in times of trouble better than Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” We have written a previous post about how remarkable this passage is, but it is worth reiterating.

I will say it again: Rejoice!

Paul wrote those words while sitting in prison, and the prior verses only add to the wonder. He writes in Philippians 4:11 “…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” (NIV). Paul was able to find peace even in a dank prison cell. How is he able to accomplish this? He tells us in verse 4: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Even in the midst of his tribulation, he still rejoiced in the Lord and offered praise and thanksgiving. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find a heart of worship when we are struggling to get through each day. But when we allow ourselves to focus on the goodness of God, our troubles can’t weigh on our hearts as heavily as they once did. Spending time at the feet of the Almighty won’t take away the hardships from our lives and it won’t stop bad things from happening. But it can allow us to find peace and give us perspective on what truly matters.

Dealing with pain and tribulation is never easy, and it is also difficult to understand why things happen the way they do. There is no easy answer, and sometimes the things people say to try and help us through it only serve to frustrate us more. But lay those frustrations and troubles down before God and let him go to work. And always remember that at Colorado Theological Seminary, you have a personal mentor who cares about you and is dedicated to seeing you through. For more information, please contact our online seminary school today.

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