NCCA Advanced Course Listing


MF701 Marriage and Family Counseling – An Integrated Approach

This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of Marriage and Family counseling, with specific emphasis on System and Structural therapy techniques. A specific study of the use of genograms and family of origin work is emphasized. The course integrates Temperament and System/Structure in family counseling.

MF702 Integrated Temperament Couple Therapy

This course is designed for pastoral counseling of couples. The emphasis is on understanding the stress factors in a dyad relationship and the proper evaluation and therapy for the presented problems of the couple. The student will review the case and provide a final evaluation of the case in written form as part of the study.

MF703 The Father and Daughter Connection

Once a student understands the unique relationship between a father and daughter, it helps him/her to understand all unique relationships. The content of this course provides insight into the father-daughter relationship that is being revealed for the first time with regards to each individual’s temperament.

MF704 Pre-Marriage Counseling with Temperament

This course is a specific reference for the pastoral counselor and develops a pre-marriage technique using the tools of modern System Family counseling and Temperament Therapy. The course consists of four units. The course develops a specific six (6) week plan for pre-marriage counseling using the tools provided in the course.

CA705 Counseling Families

Numerous case studies are provided to aid in the study of this course. Each case study is a real situation from the author’s repertoire. He furnishes the student with numerous charts and lists to aid in practical applications of more effective counseling.

CA706 Counseling and the Search for Meaning

The student will benefit from the author’s thoughtful examples, theory mixed with practical directions, and biblical conclusions. The course is provided in short, easy-to-comprehend chapters that cover most situations that a counselor will encounter when helping a person who is searching for meaning in life.

CA709 Counseling Youth

The student will be provided with general information regarding insight into counseling today’s youth. Dr. Lea addresses some of the major problems that fact youth today and how to overcome them.

CA708 Counseling and Children

In order to effectively help children, a counselor must be equipped with an understanding of the basic principles of child development. The two authors provide instruction and encouragement to the Christian Counselor who seeks to minister to the developmental, emotional and spiritual needs of children.

AA709 Counseling Those with Eating Disorders

The student will discover that there are complicated interplay dynamics found in eating disorders. Some issues contain other issues which overlap and recur again. Some of the areas addressed in the course are Anorexia Nervosa, and Bulimia.

AA710 Counseling for Substance Abuse and Addiction

The authors will provide answers to important questions about drugs and why people use them. Drug abuse is a complex problem, and no one can claim to have all the answers. However, there are fundamental principles presented within this course which will aid the student in his/her preparation to counsel those who suffer addiction.

AA711 Counseling for Problems of Self-Control

The most important goal of this course is to show how the counselor can help people identify and resolve the root problems which are causing one’s inability to exercise self-control.

AA712 Counseling Adult Children of Alcoholics

Adult children of alcoholics are a relatively new term, but an age-old problem. This course proved information about the family background, personal characteristics and common problems which face the adult children of alcoholics.

TT713 Life’s Answers Through Counseling with God

The student will learn firsthand a Christian approach to counseling his or her clients in a Bible based, methodical professional manner, utilizing a counseling method taught by the NCCA.

TT714 Living in the Spirit

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a better understanding of human behavior from a Biblical perspective. The course also addresses man’s responsibility for his actions and one’s accountability to God.

TT715 Counseling Using Inner Healing Prayer

This course provides an in-depth approach to Inner Healing. Dr. Jones explains what Inner Healing is, why it is essential, and most importantly, how the pastoral counselor can create an environment for Inner Healing to occur. This unique course addresses the significance of Inner Healing as well as step by step guide to walk the counselee through each area that needs Inner Healing. This course is as rich in scripture as it is in its practical application.

ST715 Counseling and Homosexuality

The author writes this course from a heart of compassion, love and a true Christian view point, including numerous stories of his clients. The student will learn that change is possible, and that lives are transformed by miracles and by hard work. The challenge is to help the counselee keep an open mind while he/she gains in self-understanding and moves forward in new patterns of behavior.

ST716 Counseling for Sexual Disorders

Sexual therapy goals discussed in this course are to distract from anxiety, remove demand, and eliminate negative or failure experiences and feelings. Forms are provided to assist in sexual therapy counseling: Physical history, background history, sexual evaluation, sexual assessment feed-back, sexual therapy plan and assignments.

ST717 Counseling for Unplanned Pregnancy and Infertility

This course is divided into three sections: 1) it explains how to conceptualize the problem and ways to help the family; 2) how to deal with pregnancies that are too early, i.e., teenage pregnancies, pregnancies before marriage and pregnancies too soon after another birth; 3) births that are too late or that never occur.

DG722 Joy – In the Midst of Mourning

The student will be provided with general information on how a Christian handles loss, and how they can focus their grief upward.

DG719 Counseling Families of Children with Disabilities

In this course the student will discover that it is difficult to define disability. Also, he/she will learn that it is hard to determine at what point a disability becomes a handicap. The focus is on families whose children developed problems before birth, during birth, as young children or as teenagers.

DG720 Counseling the Sick and Terminally Ill

The author of this course writes from the perspective of a physician, a Christian and a counselor. The course is illustrated by frequent case histories and relevant biblical references. It builds on a creative counseling model and is written in a language that is understandable. It will prepare the student with the skills needed to minister to the sick and terminally ill.

DG721 Counseling for Anger

Proper methods of addressing the problem of anger are provided in this course. The student will also be provided with help in understanding the factors of anger, the basis for counseling anger, and learn how to control and express anger.

CT722 Cognitive Therapy Techniques

This course is technique oriented. The emphasis is on cognitive therapy methods, rather than problems such as depression, marital conflicts, anger, etc. This course provides the student with some useful tools to make his/her counseling more effective.

CT723 Making Life Healing Changes

The purpose of this course in to provide a clearer understanding of spiritual warfare to help learn and appreciate the conflicts that take place in the life of the counselee, as well as in our own lives.

CT724 Counseling for Family Violence and Abuse

The student will learn firsthand a Christian approach to counseling his or her clients in a Bible based, methodical professional manner utilizing a counseling method taught by the NCCA.

CT725 Quality, Ethics and Legal Issues in Christian Counseling

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with information regarding ethical issues in counseling. It will also provide them with a clear understanding of the importance of confidentiality. In addition, this course will also provide information regarding referrals, helpful agencies and programs.

CT726 Christ Centered Mindfulness

Christ-Centered Mindfulness by Charles Rasberry, Ph.D. The purpose of this course is to provide a unique and valuable resource in Christian counseling. This course takes a practical cognitive approach to better your understanding of an individual’s emotions and how to deal with them by helping them to become a more mindful Christ-centered person and further developing their compassion. This course consists of a textbook of approximately 123 pages in length and requires 1 open-book exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours.

AT727 Counseling in Times of Crisis

The dynamics and Scriptural view of crisis is presented by the authors–one a pastor, the other a professional counselor. The student will learn how to better understand the issues in a crisis situation, as well as the principles that can help one face a crisis.

DG718 Counseling the Depressed

Therapeutic principles and a clear understanding of depression are well defined in this course. The student will receive training needed to address the problems associated with depression.

CA707 Counseling and Self-Esteem

This course contains three goals: 1) to provide the pastor and counselor with an understanding of self-esteem as a fundamental ingredient to one’s spiritual, emotional and social health; 2) to teach accurate biblical views of self-esteem and 3) to teach counseling strategies that can be used for building self-esteem.

GT701 Group Therapy

The purpose of this course is to teach the student how to provide proper counsel in a group setting. This course provides a method of relating the understanding of modern psychology to that of religious faith, as expressed in the Christian Bible. This course consists of a textbook of approximately 94 pages in length, and requires one closed-book (proctored) exam.